Hi everyone,
Sorry for the long-delayed update!
Our students have had an amazing (as always!) few months. I'm so grateful to have these days with your children! We have a lot going on right now!
January 31, 2019 - Colour day! Grade 5s are encouraged to wear YELLOW to celebrate colour day at Fieldcrest!
Feb 4, 2019 - we have had some changes to our schedule, and as of Feb 4, our class will now be having French at a different time. New class schedules will come home this week. We say a sad farewell to Mme Balke and we welcome Mlle Dukelow into our class. Please encourage your children to give her a warm Fieldcrest welcome!!
I'll be posting a new schedule once we have everything sorted out.
Feb 5 and Feb 8, 2019 - Most Valuable Organ presentations- please see the sheet that students were given for details!
Feb 6, 2019 - Scientists in Schools - our students will benefit from the knowledge of Scientists who have an in depth understanding of energy. This supports our Science curriculum, and our students are excited to see what the day holds!
Feb 15, 2019 - First Term reports go home - please focus on the Learning Skills more than the grades. If your child is achieving Gs or Es in his/her learning skills, chances are good that his/her grades in the rest of the subjects are your child's best efforts. Learning Skills are transferable skills that are not subject-specific.
Feb 18, 2019 - Family Day - enjoy the time you have with your families! See you on Tuesday!
More updates to come!
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)
Mrs. Skelton Wright's Classroom Blog
Tuesday, 29 January 2019
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Approaching the finish line!
Hi everyone,
Hard to believe, but June almost over! It is impossible to sum up how this year has gone with this wonderful group of students. I can't believe that the year is almost over.
We have had a busy month and it continues to be full of events and activities... we will be finishing up various curriculum units, participating in daily events, and enjoying activities that lead us to the end of the year.
Congratulations to all of our athletes who represented Fieldcrest at Track and Field Areas yesterday - we had a great day, and our students were models of excellent behaviour and sportsmanship!
On Monday, June 25, we will be completing an activity in which students will need to know their spirit animal is. Photos to come, as I don't want to give away the surprise for the students! They will need to take the quiz on the linked page, and have been instructed to NOT enter any of their personal information on the final screen, but click on "ignore and show me my spirit animal" link. They should read what the characteristics are and perhaps even print off the page (if a printer is available) for Monday's lesson.
Students have been working on biographies and art pieces for our Art Gallery on Tuesday, June 26. Students are reminded that they should be bringing back any pieces of Art that they would like to share in their section of the gallery. Parents and families are invited to join us! It will be happening from 2:00-3:00 pm in the library. Please join us!
Education.com is a website where you can download practice worksheets for your child over the summer holidays. These are from the Multiplication section of the website: https://www.education.com/resources/multiplication/
Here is a sample of the kind of worksheets you could download:

Student work and notebooks will be coming home over the next couple of days, so please encourage your child to bring an empty bag/backpack to school!
Report cards come home June 27!
Only a few days left!
Thanks for reading,
Mrs. Skelton Wright
Hard to believe, but June almost over! It is impossible to sum up how this year has gone with this wonderful group of students. I can't believe that the year is almost over.
We have had a busy month and it continues to be full of events and activities... we will be finishing up various curriculum units, participating in daily events, and enjoying activities that lead us to the end of the year.
Congratulations to all of our athletes who represented Fieldcrest at Track and Field Areas yesterday - we had a great day, and our students were models of excellent behaviour and sportsmanship!
On Monday, June 25, we will be completing an activity in which students will need to know their spirit animal is. Photos to come, as I don't want to give away the surprise for the students! They will need to take the quiz on the linked page, and have been instructed to NOT enter any of their personal information on the final screen, but click on "ignore and show me my spirit animal" link. They should read what the characteristics are and perhaps even print off the page (if a printer is available) for Monday's lesson.
Students have been working on biographies and art pieces for our Art Gallery on Tuesday, June 26. Students are reminded that they should be bringing back any pieces of Art that they would like to share in their section of the gallery. Parents and families are invited to join us! It will be happening from 2:00-3:00 pm in the library. Please join us!
Education.com is a website where you can download practice worksheets for your child over the summer holidays. These are from the Multiplication section of the website: https://www.education.com/resources/multiplication/
Here is a sample of the kind of worksheets you could download:

Student work and notebooks will be coming home over the next couple of days, so please encourage your child to bring an empty bag/backpack to school!
Report cards come home June 27!
Only a few days left!
Thanks for reading,
Mrs. Skelton Wright
Monday, 21 May 2018
Track and Field day tomorrow!
Thank you to all students and families who participated in and donated to our Jump Rope for Heart day! I will post another update when we have the total raised for our school. If you happen to still have an envelope with donations in it, please send it in to the school as soon as possible :)
Our annual Track and Field day will be happening tomorrow, May 22, at BDHS. Parents are welcome to come and see their children participate, however we do insist that you sign in at the gate with Mrs. Skelton Wright (that's me!) and receive a visitor's sticker. Students are reminded to bring:
Our annual Track and Field day will be happening tomorrow, May 22, at BDHS. Parents are welcome to come and see their children participate, however we do insist that you sign in at the gate with Mrs. Skelton Wright (that's me!) and receive a visitor's sticker. Students are reminded to bring:
- sunscreen
- hat
- appropriate clothing
- running shoes (students will not be permitted to participate without proper footwear)
- water
- snacks
- PERMISSION FORM (if it has not come in yet)
We're looking forward to a fun day! We will meet students at the portables shortly before 9:15 to put on wristbands, take attendance, and get ready to head over to the highschool.
Unrelated to our fun day of outdoor activity, we will be having a Math test on Wednesday on coordinate graphing. Students have been working on applying these skills for the past couple of weeks. If you're interested in a document that gives some suggestions about how to help your child at home with Math, please see the following link (I wish I'd known about this earlier in the year!): http://edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/parentGuideNumEn.pdf
Enjoy the remainder of the long weekend! It's a beautiful day!
Mrs. Skelton Wright
Mrs. Skelton Wright
Thursday, 26 April 2018
Is it true?
Hi everyone,
It's hard to believe, but spring might ACTUALLY be here! With that being said, we have a lot going on over the next couple of months. More items are likely to be added, but here's the list at the current time:
Friday, April 27
Monday, April 30
Thursday, May 3
Friday, May 4
It's hard to believe, but spring might ACTUALLY be here! With that being said, we have a lot going on over the next couple of months. More items are likely to be added, but here's the list at the current time:
Friday, April 27
- PD Day
Monday, April 30
- Social Studies quiz (students were told to bring their duotangs home yesterday and today)
- Jump Rope for Heart assembly from 10:05-10:30
- deadline for ordering our first ever yearbook for only $21!
Thursday, May 3
- fieldtrip to Ste Marie Among the Hurons (we will be meeting students promptly at 9:10 outside of our portables and making our way to the busses - we will not be waiting for late students); please send students in appropriate clothing for the weather, closed-toe shoes, and with a lunch and snacks.
- students who are not attending the trip will be spending the day in the Learning Centre with Mrs. A. Wright
Friday, May 4
- Science test on the Human Organ System - this test will be OPEN BOOK, and students are strongly encouraged to review their notes regularly before the test to ensure that they have all of the notes and sheets completed. Please encourage students to review the videos on the Science page of this blog.
Tuesday, May 15
- Jump Rope for Heart (rain date is Wednesday, May 16)
Friday, May 18
- PD Day
Monday, May 21
- Victoria Day holiday
Tuesday, May 22
- Track and Field Day at BDHS for Junior students
We have recently sent home some information regarding fundraisers - if you have any questions, please contact our office and they will get you in touch with the appropriate staff/volunteer members that are running them.
Thank you! Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Skelton Wright
Mrs. Skelton Wright
Friday, 6 April 2018
April showers... bring snow??
Hi everyone,
So, we aren't getting the April showers we expected, but we ARE hoping for May flowers! Students are encouraged to remember to wear clothing that is appropriate for the weather/conditions of the field.
A note from our office: you may have received a phone call from the school today to let you know about our newsletters. They will no longer be coming home in hard copy (for those of you who have not opted for e-mail), and will be available on the Fieldcrest website. If you would like your email address added to the list of people who receive the newsletter via email, please let me know and I will forward your information to the office.
DARE is wrapping up next week! Officer Rob Enwright, our School Resource Officer, has been visiting us on a regular basis to speak to our students about decision making and bullying. Please follow up with your child about these discussions, as they have learned a lot over the last few months! We will be making an announcement soon about DARE graduation, so stay tuned!
We have a fieldtrip on the horizon - on May 3, we will be visiting Ste Marie Among the Hurons to learn more about how some of Canada's First Nations People lived. Permission forms went home this week, and we are asking to have them back by April 12.
Congratulations to our students who have made it onto the Basketball teams this term. Please make sure to review the athletic contract that your child brought home if he/she is a member of one of these teams. I would also like to extend a congratulations and a "well-done" pat on the back to those students who tried out and did not make the teams - keep a positive mindset and try again next year!! You'll get there!
We have PINK SHIRT DAY coming up this Wednesday, April 11! Thank you to our students who have dressed in support of our other "shirt/sock" days recently, and we hope that you'll participate in this one as well!
A last, friendly reminder, our school day goes from 9:15am to 3:35pm - we would love to have your children here for the duration of the day, as arriving late and leaving early interrupts their learning (and others, as we have frequent phone calls in the morning and afternoon for late arrivals and early dismissals, which, in turn, interrupts the learning of all other students in the class). When possible, we ask that your child attends a full day of school :)
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)
So, we aren't getting the April showers we expected, but we ARE hoping for May flowers! Students are encouraged to remember to wear clothing that is appropriate for the weather/conditions of the field.
A note from our office: you may have received a phone call from the school today to let you know about our newsletters. They will no longer be coming home in hard copy (for those of you who have not opted for e-mail), and will be available on the Fieldcrest website. If you would like your email address added to the list of people who receive the newsletter via email, please let me know and I will forward your information to the office.
DARE is wrapping up next week! Officer Rob Enwright, our School Resource Officer, has been visiting us on a regular basis to speak to our students about decision making and bullying. Please follow up with your child about these discussions, as they have learned a lot over the last few months! We will be making an announcement soon about DARE graduation, so stay tuned!
We have a fieldtrip on the horizon - on May 3, we will be visiting Ste Marie Among the Hurons to learn more about how some of Canada's First Nations People lived. Permission forms went home this week, and we are asking to have them back by April 12.
Congratulations to our students who have made it onto the Basketball teams this term. Please make sure to review the athletic contract that your child brought home if he/she is a member of one of these teams. I would also like to extend a congratulations and a "well-done" pat on the back to those students who tried out and did not make the teams - keep a positive mindset and try again next year!! You'll get there!
We have PINK SHIRT DAY coming up this Wednesday, April 11! Thank you to our students who have dressed in support of our other "shirt/sock" days recently, and we hope that you'll participate in this one as well!
A last, friendly reminder, our school day goes from 9:15am to 3:35pm - we would love to have your children here for the duration of the day, as arriving late and leaving early interrupts their learning (and others, as we have frequent phone calls in the morning and afternoon for late arrivals and early dismissals, which, in turn, interrupts the learning of all other students in the class). When possible, we ask that your child attends a full day of school :)
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)
Monday, 26 February 2018
March Potluck
Hi everyone,
Miss Barrett and I have a tradition of hosting a potluck for our students at certain points during the year. This year, our potluck will be held on the last day of school before March Break! During the last 100 minutes of the day (3rd block), we will gather our classes in the library and break bread :)
We are strongly encouraging that all participating students contribute something to our feast. Plates, cutlery, and cups will be provided.
Please click on the following link for more information and sign up for the potluck - be sure to list all ingredients in the dish (recipe not required!) so that our students with allergies can make informed choices about their food. Cultural foods are welcome and encouraged, as we would like students to share something that is one of their "favourites"!
*We have students with severe peanut and tree nut allergies - please do not send in food that contains these items*
Sign up here:
Potluck sign up
Thank you! We look forward to enjoying a lovely afternoon with our students before the March Break!
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)
Miss Barrett and I have a tradition of hosting a potluck for our students at certain points during the year. This year, our potluck will be held on the last day of school before March Break! During the last 100 minutes of the day (3rd block), we will gather our classes in the library and break bread :)
We are strongly encouraging that all participating students contribute something to our feast. Plates, cutlery, and cups will be provided.
Please click on the following link for more information and sign up for the potluck - be sure to list all ingredients in the dish (recipe not required!) so that our students with allergies can make informed choices about their food. Cultural foods are welcome and encouraged, as we would like students to share something that is one of their "favourites"!
*We have students with severe peanut and tree nut allergies - please do not send in food that contains these items*
Sign up here:
Potluck sign up
Thank you! We look forward to enjoying a lovely afternoon with our students before the March Break!
Mrs. Skelton Wright :)
Friday, 1 December 2017
December is here!
Hi everyone,
It's hard to believe it's December! Our students investigated coding today by visiting the Scratch website - they'll be having another 5 sessions before the winter break. Here's the link, if you're interested to see what it's all about:
Students will need to create an account (it's free!) in order to access the program for the next several sessions. Please have students record their username and password for Scratch in their agendas.
Have a great day!
Mrs. Skelton Wright
It's hard to believe it's December! Our students investigated coding today by visiting the Scratch website - they'll be having another 5 sessions before the winter break. Here's the link, if you're interested to see what it's all about:
Students will need to create an account (it's free!) in order to access the program for the next several sessions. Please have students record their username and password for Scratch in their agendas.
Have a great day!
Mrs. Skelton Wright
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End of January!
Hi everyone, Sorry for the long-delayed update! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Our students have had an amazing (as always!) few months. I'm so grat...
Hello students and families! W elcome to the 2017-2018 school year! My name is Mrs. Stephanie Skelton Wright and I will be you...
Hi everyone, It's hard to believe it's December! Our students investigated coding today by visiting the Scratch website - they'l...
Hi everyone, We've had a very busy month - let's look at what's happened, what's happening, and what's ahead! We ...